This app requires JavaScript! Manage Calendars | Red Virtual Administration Services

How will RedVAS manage my calendar?

Using our sophisticated colour coded calendar that pre populates events for you.

We manage your : Calendar

  • Your colour coded calendar pre populates events for you so you don't have to remember to put them in.
  • Your RedVAS calendar is accessible 365 days 24/7 worldwide.
  • Using RedVAS you can manage employees calendars as well as colour coding each of your employees' diary entries for ease of viewing.
  • Management can print or report on any historical, or real time diary entries for each of their staff.
  • Enter appointments directly into yours and your employees' diaries so you need never miss another appointment or the potential to win new business.
  • All appointments are automatically stored on your mobile phone, iPad, calendar etc. Managers and designated others can input into an employees diary.
  • Employees can of course edit their own diaries.

RedVAS - Saving Business Time and Money - Accessible 365 days 24/7 Worldwide.